The Numerology of Bitcoin

Liza Spiridon
2 min readJun 5, 2021

Numbers Don’t Lie

Numerology is a very old science. Its origin dates back to the Babylonian, Hebrew and Phoenician civilizations. Pythagoras, Greek philosopher and mathematician, 580–520 BC was the first to develop a scientific theory according to which numbers had a great influence on all aspects of life- birthdays, name on birth certificate, business names, the current year, etc.

Numerology reveals other virtues and applications regarding the conversion of letters into their meaning.

Photo credit: Unsplash The Domain was created registered on 8–18–2008 (888) = 1 + 8 + 0 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 8 = 27 = 2 + 7 = 9

Characteristics of 9: Humanitarianism, Selflessness, Visionary, Giver, Universal Spiritual Laws, Karma.

BITCOIN equals 9.

BLOCKCHAIN ​​equals 6.

Characteristics of 6: Balance, Responsibility, Love, Family, Home, Nurturing, Self-Righteousness, Unity, Responsibility, Community.

SATOSHI NAKAMOTO, the claimed founder of Bitcoin =’s 55. The number 55 = 1, aka The Innovative Leader or The Pioneer.

Characteristics of the 1: Master of Innovation. Freedom, Success, Attainability, New Path Creator.

The so-called illuminati and secret societies usually take numerology into account when devising their agendas, so … either Bitcoin was created by themselves, or “Satoshi Nakamoto” took into account this type of science to fight the elite with his own medicine.

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Stay tuned as I share more about the Numerology of Crypto...



Liza Spiridon

Liza Spiridon is a Global Numerology Of Wealth expert, having studied Numerology for over 20 years. For the past 4 years she has been using Numerology to help